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.:::: Catnip Loveotomy :::. - eyes "Infanati"

.:::: Catnip Loveotomy :::. - eyes "Infanati"


評価平均: 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
Amazing Gift
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2015/02/18 : Little Quandry

Amazing blazing eyes for demons and other mystical types. Thanks!

Late on this review
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2014/11/15 : CathodeGirl

I just wanted to leave a review for this because I stumbled upon this now, and it took me back to a couple months ago, when I first started SL, and I had no Ls to spend on anything, and this was one of, if not the first, set of eyes I purchased while I was still trying to learn how to modify my avatar. So this really brings back memories. I was so amazed with the assortment of colours it had, compared to anything else I had been able to work with before, and because its totally my style. Then I got to the rest of your inventory, and the people here at Catnip Loveotomy are just so generous with your freebies ("Greed dont make me happy , among your smiles ;)"), and low priced items few items are, it really helped the noob like I was at the time, get started. So I thank you. This is a quality product, like your other items in your store. I didn't know anything about writing reviews then, but I just feel like I owed it to you now, to let you know that your generosity effects newcomers to SL. Keep up the good work :)

塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2014/10/25 : Rhavenafire

Realmente ficam lindos!
