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Curio Obscura - Princessy Hairstyle バージョン 1.0

Curio Obscura - Princessy Hairstyle
Curio Obscura - Princessy Hairstyle
3 レビュー

You don't have to be royalty to look like royalty with a truly Princessy Hairstyle and its voluminous, cascading curls, thick bangs, and a poofy bump!

Glamorous! Curly! Poofy!

This MESH-based hairstyle is fully rigged and will move and bend naturally to follow your motion. The rigging is also designed to change depending on the size of your head, with a generous margin of error, so it should fit right away. A scalp alpha mask is included but will not be necessary for any but the most extreme head shapes.

Includes all Twenty Colors in a Single Object! Simply Touch your hairstyle to select a new hair color!

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Glamorous!
  • Curly!
  • Poofy!
  • Includes all Twenty Colors in a Single Object!
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 スター:
Okay, stunned. :D
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2012/05/03 : lilfae

Okay, Curio Obscura... Was expecting something... Obscure about this hairstyle.. Like, maybe Sleeping Beauty popped out or something.. But she didn't, yet anyway.

It's not a bad style, has all the charm of the snow white styled cartoon movies, with enough realism to fit with my doll avatar form, plus, multiple colours and mod, it's well, great, though I expected nothing short of greatness from Miss Wrigglesworth to be honest. :D


L$ 250



Curio Obscura
Curio Obscura
販売元: Pandora Wrigglesworth


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