eDelsToRe mesh hair " Daniel " all colors DEMO
Try DEMO or try @ Mainstore / SIM Sea Magic
Fitted Mesh Hair - means that they are made in newest technology.
No rigg hair - means you can edit position of hair + size
DEMO and other colors + more than 1000 hair @ eDelsToRe hair mall
Second Life の商品を表示Awful.
No resizing available for the unrigged version. Additionally, there is a 5-minute timer in effect, so that if you plan on trying the demo for longer (though why would you with no resizing capability), you must navigate to this page and order another copy. Had there been a resizer, the timer wouldn't have bothered me as much.
There isn't one! What's the use of a hair demo if you can't see if it fits to your head?
need resize
it is too thick or too large for some avatar head. it need mod or resize script.
No resizer!
for an unrigged version there should be a resizer script to make sure it'll fit on your head especially when your using a custom head.
Colors look a bit.. ehm. Black should be black, not gray for example.
The demo ist quite worthless as it is set to "No Mod".
Maybe it is rigged or not - it is impossible to check if i can make it to fit my ava or not.
Wow, very good!
I'm not going to dock you stars for the HUD. It didn't work on the non-rigged demo. Also the hair color choices are bizarre, the only red one is really crazy and bright. Black was like a pepper gray. The blonds and browns were very good though. This doesn't stop me from wanting to buy your hair though, I think your styles are very good.