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✅DFS TEXTURES - DFS Animals Texture Pack (Full Perm )

✅DFS TEXTURES - DFS Animals Texture Pack (Full Perm )
✅DFS TEXTURES - DFS Animals Texture Pack (Full Perm )
1 レビュー

DFS TEXTURES - DFS Animals Texture Pack (Full Perm )

36 Full Perm Textures :

- DFS Sow

- DFS Sow Tarsk

- DFS Boar

- DFS Boar Tarsk

- DFS Rooster

- DFS Rooster - Silkie Black

- DFS Rooster - Silkie Brown

- DFS Rooster - Silkie White

- DFS Hen

- DFS Hen - Silkie Black

- DFS Hen - Silkie Brown

- DFS Hen - Silkie White

- DFS Sheep - Male

- DFS Sheep - Female

- DFS Goat Pygmy - Male

- DFS Goat Pygmy - Female

- DFS Goat Barbari - Male

- DFS Goat Barbari - Female

- DFS Cow - Bosk

- DFS Cow - Holstein

- DFS Bull - Bosk

- DFS Bull - Holstein

- DFS Rabbit Doe

- DFS Rabbit Buck

- DFS Duck - Male

- DFS Duck - Female

- DFS Gator - Male

- DFS Gator - Female

- DFS Ostrich Male

- DFS Ostrich Female

- DFS Llama - Male

- DFS Llama - Female

- DFS Turkey Male

- DFS Turkey Female

and 2 specials:

- DFS Llama - Springtime 2021 Female

- DFS Llama - Springtime 2021 Male


TOS - Terms and Conditions

with the purchase of our products you automatically accept these terms of use.

1. Textures can not be sold full perm.
2. You can not distribute, share, donate or resell my textures.
3. Our license is for an avatar, the same avatar who bought the textures
4. You can not use these textures for hunting, gifts or promotions below the price of TOS.
5. You can not use these textures outside of Secondlife World.
6. No refunds for Full Perm products.

Our TOS may be subject to change without notice.
Any violation of my TOS will result in a DMCA.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

D1ot1ma Resident

~WildWood TEXTURES~ Copyright © 2023

評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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Very Cute
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2024/11/21 : BunnyHoodie

Like using these for my animal storage to sort them. Amazing work ♥


L$ 280



販売元: D1ot1ma


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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