Dungeon Skybox
If you are looking for a cozy getaway in the sky with a great dungeon ambience, this skybox is for you. It features three rooms, massive brick and stone architecture, a great matching marble and brick fireplace, torch wall sconces, bars on the windows and a rooftop with a hot tub and plenty of area to play. Use the included teleport to go between the interior and the rooftop quickly and easily.
The door and two windows are multi-featured. The door is lockable with group access or private access with access list. The windows can be open, closed, or shaded ("shaded" looks closed from outside and open from inside), controlled by clicking a window for a menu, or by chat command.
This skybox is modifiable and copyable, so you can have fun customizing it any way you like. It comes packed in the very easy to use auto-rezzer. Just place the rezzer box on the ground, click it and choose rez from the menu, and the skybox will rez behind the box. Then position the rezzer box to position the skybox exactly where you want it. It's very fast, and very easy!
There is a fireplace in the skybox when you rez it. 3 additional fireplaces are included in the package, each with a different style of andirons, so you can use the one that suits you best. A copiable sconce is also in the package.
Dungeon Skybox Features:
- Modify, Copy, No Transfer
- 30m wide by 20m deep
- Packed in an auto rezzer for easy rezzing and positioning
- Easy to understand instructions included for auto-rezzer, doors, windows, and teleport
- The Dungeon Skybox totals 54 Prims, but the skybox itself is only 33 prims. The other 21 prims are easily removable items: an 11 prim fireplace, 6 prims for two wall sconces, and a 4 prim TP System.
Awesome build--looks FANTASTIC for the price! Great potential for turning into a small castle/fort, as well.