Prim Hearts Metaverse Development
Prim Hearts Metaverse Development is a virtual company owned by Sarg Bjornson, a resident in the virtual world Second Life. Sarg creates the best amusement park rides available in SL, offering a wide range of ride shapes and variations for his customers.
The frisbee is an amusement ride in which a circular gondola swings in a pendulum motion while it rotates around its axis. This version of the frisbee has the seaters facing inwards.
Basic Features:
* 30 x 15 meters
* 121 prims (3 groups)
* Copyable and Modable
* Sits up to 12 people
* Extremely easy placement using the Rez-Faux building helper
* Swinging motion activates for 1 minute when the button is clicked and then stops
* Configurable swinging time
* Possibility of buying custom donation boxes
Advanced Features:
* Charging for the ride: Would you like to charge people for using your ride? The frisbee is configurable so that you can charge a L$ fee to your visitors if you want! The option to offer free rides is still available, too!
* Changing the swinging time: 1 minute sounds too long, or too short? No problem, just change it! The ride can be configured with a swinging time between 10 seconds and 5 minutes.
Visit Prim Hearts:
Most of our rides are profiled at the biggest amusement park in Second Life. Check it out, ride for free and buy any ride you want at Prim Hearts!
Prim Hearts
Second Life の商品を表示- Rez-Faux building helper allows easy placement and rotation of the whole ride
- Charging for the ride: this ride can be configured to accept user payments
- Changing the swinging time: The ride's swinging time is easily configurable
I bought this to replace a similar ride by another retailer. The scripting on this is much smoother but I wish it had 360 degrees of motion instead of 180.