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*GC* 18th century Pink Silk Redingote (child)

*GC* 18th century Pink Silk Redingote (child)
*GC* 18th century Pink Silk Redingote (child)
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~Le Petit Grenier~
All of our pieces are inspired by paintings, illustrations and fashion plates of the period portrayed.

This particular piece is a Redingote in pink silk. It includes two skirts suitable for riding: one for side-saddle and one for straddle style (remember to detach your riding skirt when you wear your walking one).

Our recommendations:
Although the waistcoat extends beyond what's visible when you wear the skirt, we would recommend you wear the skirt slightly higher -right on the hip- and the back of the coat on the waist.

We have included a resize script on all the prim/ sculpted items so you can resize them adequately to your body proportions. Our model is quite young and small so resizing will be most likely if you are older than 5 :) Please see instructions at the end of this note for use.

We hope you are pleased with your purchase but if you should have any problems please contact Mau Delarosa.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • *All the sculpted and prim pieces include a resize script,

L$ 150



Le Grenier du Château
販売元: Mau Delarosa


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