GlowEyes For Ponies (MLP)
1 レビュー
A quick and easy way to add glowing eye support to your MLP avatar - listens on a chat channel and lights up and down. (Note your viewer has to have glow turned on to see it!)
Pre-fit copies for Mero, GT and PrincessMesh are included, just wear and go. For any other, there are just two prims to fit overtop of the eyes.
Script is open and mod, so you can change the chat channel or even the glow intensity if you like.
- Glowing Eyes on Command
- Prefit copy for Mero
- Prefit copy for Curly/GT
- Prefit copy for Princess Mesh
- Rev B to fix script permissions
yay! :3
I bought these on a whim and now I love them! Perfect for my Nightmare Moon av!
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