Grabbing Hand Busting Through Wall - Animated
Grab their attention! This is a fun way to surprise those passing by. Place it on a wall, or on the ground to grab at their ankles. When no one is near, its no more than a spot or small hole, but when an avatar comes within 5 meters, the hand busts thru with a grabbing motion. Enough to make anyone take a step back , hurry along, or come back for a second look.
Please see the actual picture for an undistorted view, as it will appear in-world. It is sized appropriately as an average male avatars hand.
Works anywhere. Put it on a door, on a wall, on the ground. Copy perms ( on the prim only) allow for putting as many as you want wherever you want. Alot of fun in just one prim.
Check out my other items for more starling animated things.
Thanks for looking.
- Animated texture activates only when avatar is within 5 meters.
- Startling!
The idea isnt bad at all, but this Thing is much to small to scare anybody, it´s a tiny Hand and i would think it´s grabbing after all but not to scare^^
Would be more useful with a prim hand so it could be turned different ways and still look right