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Group Gift Giver Full Perm by Zakard

Group Gift Giver Full Perm by Zakard
Group Gift Giver Full Perm by Zakard
1 レビュー



☆ The Real Group Giver Gift easy to use.

☆ Insert the script in an object, modify the parameters indicated in the instructions for use and finally insert in the object what you want to give. Not Limit!!!

- Notecard Information in PACK!!

☆ Avatar touch your object and script send the gift or not depending on whether She/He wears the group or not.

☆ You do not have to do anything else the script works for you.

- Easy! ' Nice Gift in Pack a Float text script.

☆ Full Perm MODIFY ✔ - TRANSFER ✔ - COPY ✔

- IMPORTANT: My Float Text Script is not transfer is a GIFT!!

- The script is completely FULL PERM you can copy it, modify it and transfer it but only the script the robot package and everything else present in the purchase package is not.

- For Full Perm Products obviously the refund would not make sense. People may say they are dissatisfied by taking free scripts.

- This script is for group only. You can set any group just enter the UUID of the desired group.

- Important to change the group of the object where you put the script and then UUID in the script.


- All the products in the store are my creation so you can ask for a copy even if the redelivery is disabled.

For any questions or information contact me.

Zakard or my store manager Adrianatheangel

  • Group Gift Giver Full Perm by Zakard
評価平均: full star full star full star full star empty star
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I would have given 5 stars if there were the following instructions included...
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2023/03/01 : NejraTu

I figured this out because I was determined to....
I am sharing this so others do not have to first overcome their frustration as I did. ;)

1. In this script and instruction notecard, the parts you are changing are for the nearby/local chat messages only.

2. If your landgroup, ergo the objects default group upon being rezzed, is the same group you want this gift giving script to compare to, read no further, you're good to go.

3. IF your landgroup, ergo the objects default group upon being rezzed, is NOT the group you want this gift-giving script to compare the clicking avatar's active group to, you must do the following to get it to work (do not deviate):
(This might work for a script you already own if you are so hunting...)

I. follow provided instructions and drop an object to be your group gift giver, add the script & edit.
(i.e. set the scripts messages and links that go in local/nearby chat.)
II. create or drop a second prim, it can be invisible later or not...
III. verify the land's auto-return is 5 minutes or more so you can work if you've never done this before! (Like, you don't even know where to change the group....)
IV. edit your original group gift giver so that the object's group is the group you want.
V. hold your <control> key (Mac or Windows) and click the second prim you dropped/made, and >>>>> now you have two objects in edit .<<<<
VI. click the "link" button to link the two objects together; the last object you clicked (that second object) is now the root prim and saves the other object (still in the other group) from being returned.

So long as you do not pick-up this group gifting linkset, it will work. You can move it all around your sim, but just don't pick it back up or try to take a copy.

IF you pick-up this linkset, or take a copy, the original gift giver object in the linkset has its group re-set to the root prim's group, the landgroup.


L$ 129



Zakard Creations
Zakard Creations
販売元: Zakard


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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