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"Gulls Nest" New England Beach House (BOXED) バージョン 1.0

"Gulls Nest" New England Beach House (BOXED)
"Gulls Nest" New England Beach House (BOXED)
1 レビュー

HEART HOMES PRESENTS: "Gulls Nest" New England Beach House

The Gulls Nest is my answer to the fact that so many "Coastal", "Beach" or "New England" - styled houses look great, but consist of 200-500 Prims, mine has 83 prims, and comes in an own Rezzer Box,

I made this house to live in, after the dreamhome of my wife and indeed its made for one or two, living near the water. On a sturdy base of 20 x 15 meters, this house of white wood is light and airy, living close to nature, and yet still protected.

You will have a spacious, comfy living room in coastal style, big enough to separate a corner as kitchen or workplace.
Double slide doors open to a huge, covered veranda, and can be left open in warm summer days, whilst a smaller backdoor gives access to your land.
A raised bedroom, designed in warmer colors, to feel comfy gives way to a backroom made for a bath or study.
A single fireplace lights and warms both rooms, perfect to snuggle in front of.

For security i choose the patented AeonVox doors, featuring access lists for multiple levels of access, locking, open/close sounds, smooth operation via built-in menues. (To get the menue, click & hold the door for a moment)
Included is fire for the fireplace (4 Prims).

The House will fit on a 512 m2 Plot, but you might want 1024m2 Plot to have enough prims for furniture.

(The House is sold UNFURNISHED)

Also Available in the APHRODITE SHOP.

If you like to see the House before purchase, have a look at our Demo Rezzer Platform:

Second Life の商品を表示
  • New England Style Beach Home
  • Just 83 Prims / Lowprim Prefab
  • Light and Airy wooden build
  • Covered Veranda
  • Doublesided Fireplace (Fire Included)
評価平均: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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  • 1 スター:
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2017/08/16 : LittleRedDragon

so not worth 2400


L$ 2,400



<HEART HOMES> for Aphrodite Shop.
販売元: Jaylin Whitewood


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

  • コピー
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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
土地の負荷: 83