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Gunrunner's Depot VBR-B Personal Defense Weapon

Gunrunner's Depot VBR-B Personal Defense Weapon
Gunrunner's Depot VBR-B Personal Defense Weapon
1 レビュー

Thank you for your interest in Gunrunner's Depot VBR-B Personal Defense Weapon!

The VBR-B PDW is the flagship offering of the Belgian ammunition concern of the same name. It was designed from the start to be a PDW, rather then a cut-down assault rifle or compact SMG, following in the footsteps of the soviet Skorpion machine pistol (arguably the progenitor of the PDW concept). The VBR is chambered for a new 7.92mm round, with roughly twice the power of the current premiere PDW round, FN's 5.7mm. Even with superior range, accuracy, and terminal ballistics then the 5.7mm, the 7.92mm has a surprisingly gentle recoil impulse, which makes the VBR very easy to keep on target.

Only slightly larger then a 1911 Colt .45, The VBR is ideal for use as a personal defense weapon. It's light, handy, and rides well in holster. Designed for practical use, the VBR makes extensive use of high-strength polymers and titanium alloys to provide for a high level of durability in the field. It's simple, no-tools takedown means that it's easy to maintain as well.

The GD representation of this next-generation PDW includes a few extras, as well. Accessories for the weapon include a collapsible stock, silencer, extended magazine, and a laser sight, all accessible via chat commands. Custom firing animations and particle muzzleflash round out the package. It also comes complete with a ballistic nylon holster!

The VBR incorporates the latest LoLSBS technology, meaning that you can easily load any LoLSBS bullet into the weapon to customize it's use. The system is also quite tolerant of homemade or aftermarket rounds, so virtually any bullet you can copy can be used in your VBR. This makes the weapon an incredibly powerful and versatile package, combining high-quality good looks with a wide array of combat capacity.

Well suited to both roleplay situations or heavy combat, the VBR is a handsome and potent weapon. Weather your tastes are military, space opera, cyberpunk, or just collecting, make space in your arsenal for the VBR-B!

gun handgun weapon firearm lolsbs sci fi scifi cyberpunk military gat gattage silencer pistol SMG submachinegun submachine PDW

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L$ 100



Gunrunner's Depot
Gunrunner's Depot
販売元: Rade Bailey


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