Hijab model 4

詳細 設備 コンテンツ レビュー (2)


I will be happy to respond any question about using my prefabs or even building in general, but please note that offline message may not reach me, sometimes i may be afk or my real life issues may keep me out of second life for a long time.

All sculpt models made by TheDreaming Button are made for your use following this rules and any other use without prior consent from TheDreaming Butto will be sanctioned by law.

You can use the sculpt maps and and associated resources to:
*make your own product and resell it with no copy or no transfer permissions
*make a free item with no copy or no transfer permission and distribute it
*use the items for your personal study

You may not:
*sell or give for free to anyone any of the sculpt maps and resources in full permission, alone or packed in group with others of your own
*sell or give the items outside of second life game without my personal consent

Contact me personally if you want to:
*import and significantly modify the sculpts/textures in you hard drive for selling the result with full permission
*selling the item outside of second life
*if you want a custom texture or sculpt to be made by me or a modified version from a product you have bought

Please note sales are final and i will not refund any full perm item you have bought. I will redeliver the item if i find your purchase listed in my transactions history, so if you need a redelivery include the name and exact date of your purchase.
By purchasing the item you agree to the above.



レビュー (XX)

評価平均: 5 星 配分
5 スター:
4 スター:  (0)
3 スター:  (0)
2 スター:  (0)
1 スター:  (0)
A must

掲載済み 2018/06/02 : Aldaida 5 星

This is extremelly useful as it can be combined with winter clothes or even looser scarves without crossing them while you move.

このレビューはお役に立ちましたか? はい いいえ

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very nice!

掲載済み 2012/06/19 : MikyStix 5 星

It looks very real and even nicer than in pictures from here and owner helped me set up with a size changing script. Thank you!

このレビューはお役に立ちましたか? はい いいえ

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(  文字(残りの文字数))
..TheDreaming Button Sculpt / Sculpty, Mesh and Texture Prefabs..
..TheDreaming Button Sculpt / Sculpty, Mesh and Texture Prefabs..
販売元: TheDreaming Button

この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

  • 5 星 2 レビュー

  • 権限:
    コピー 修正 再販・プレゼント ユーザーライセンス許可済み
  • 自動再配達