Infinity Swim

Thank you for the amazing video review by Loff Auer:
I am touched that you took the time to review it in such detail!
About comments: please send a support request in IM and not as a bad review. I will receive an IM much sooner and I can fix your issue or refund you.
Thanks for checking out this innovative product. This little gadget lets you swim far off your coast to no man's sea, you won't experience a bump when you hit 256m, just perfect swimming freedom!
No avatar limit, all your sim visitors can use it at the same time!
- Don't get this item only for swim animations! You can get them here for free:
- Swimable area depends on your sim's location (see point 4). Works the best with standalone regions with water on all sides.
- You'll only gain access to off-sim territories, not restricted areas.
- Item has to be rezzed, it's not a wearable.
- Scripts are no mod
User Guide
1. Requirements:
• Land with water or directly neighboring an off-sim area (see point 4)
• Rez rights on your land (no ownership required)
• 4-5 prims allowance (can be reduced by modifying the rezzer)
2. Setting up:
• Place the Rezzer (stones) somewhere near the coast.
• If you rezzed it close enough to a coast, it will attempt to find the right direction.
• Script will warn you if this fails, and this case you'll have to manually rotate the rezzer. The biggest stone should face the water.
• The rezzer will detect if your island is standalone (no limitations), has neighbours (some limitations apply) or landlocked (limited to in-sim waters)
• Click rezzer to activate/deactivate. Activated state rezzes the wooden sign which contains the animator.
• Clicking the sign will take you to the water immediately.
Note: Don't worry about losing/deleting wooden signs, they are temporary prims, they will disappear quickly when not in use.)
Note: Rezzer can be modified, which makes it possible to hide it or reduce prim count.
3. Swim functions:
• Arrow keys to swim/backswim and turn
• PgUp and PgDn to dive
• Standing up will eject you to the nearest in-sim area
4. Acessible area depending on sim location
If your sim has no neighbours, you can swim:
• water territories of your sim
• all off-sim area up to 700m distance
If your sim has neighbours but not on all sides, you can swim:
• water territories of your sim (neighbouring sims can't be accessed)
• neighbouring off-sim areas in 256m distance from border
On a landlocked sim (for example mainland), you can swim:
• water territories of your sim (neighbouring sims can't be accessed)
Swim height is always water level, this can't be changed.
5. Important notes
LIMITATIONS: - You'll need to rez the object to use. This is not a HUD or attachment!
- Works only with real SL water, and only at water level.
- SL Collision and physics only partially apply: real ground stops the swimmer, but you cannot limit swim area by other objects.
FREEBIE ANIMATIONS USED: If you only need the animations, you can get them for free:
FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY IS NOT GUARANTEED. Linden Labs and Viewers might set limitations to the functions that make the InfinitySwim engine currently functional. If you experience loss of functionality that previously worked, please contact the creator about possible updates. Please try inworld before purchase.
CONTAINS TEMP REZZER. It's unlikely that more than 2 temporary prims are rezzed at the same time, therefore this shouldn't affect sim performance.
Second Life の商品を表示
you are the best, you can swim anymore in your land
♥ 10 STARS - This should be the #1 Best-Selling Item on SLMP ♥
Own your parcel (have estate rights) or sim/region. Rez Infinity Swim from Inventory. READ LOCAL CHAT from the Infinity Swim. Move Black Rocks (the Infinity Swimmer base) to area close to sim or water edge within parcel you own and Touch the rocks. Temporary Sign Rezzes between cracks. Touch Sign that reads "Touch Sign to Swim". BOOM! You are swimming off sim.
This creator is honest and gives 120% customer service. Thank you, matthewaz! ☺♥