Kotolier . NavyUniform Female - navy
Body Compatible:
NavyUniform Skirt, Pants (F) for Female ... Maitreya Lara & Legacy / no mod, no trans
NavyUniform Cap / mod ok, no trans
* The production version cap is mod ok.
For women, try adjusting the Breast size to 50 or higher and the Breast Cleavage value between 10 - 45.
Must try demo.
<<<You can buy it at the in-world Mainstore 10% low-priced than the marketplace!>>>
- Navy
- Uniform
Wish she will do the German and US WW2 too
It fits perfectly on my Maitreya body. It looks good like in the photo. I wish she will make a WW2 military uniform for the German and US too, because the SL WW2 community of hundreds of WW2 roleplayers are waiting to buy.
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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