M2A3 Bradley ERA 1.0.10 バージョン 1.0.10

詳細 設備 コンテンツ 6 レビュー


A finely detailed, fully functioning mesh model of the United States Army's M2A3 Bradley ERA Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Operable by a single commander, crew operation with commander and gunner, and able to transport and deploy six troops onto the battlefield.

State of the art, 100% original modeling optimized for the Second Life system with advanced scripting, using a scant 626kB of region resources - meaning smooth border crossings and no crushing lag.

● HUD controlled vehicle and weapons systems

● Commander or gunner controlled weapon systems including BGM-71 TOW anti-armor missiles, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, and dual-feed 25mm Bushmaster chain gun with high explosive and armor penetrating rounds

● Menu selectable NATO woodland or desert tan camouflage schemes

● Truly operator-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles to avoid obstacles and successfully engage moving, hard-to-hit targets

● Transport six troops while providing armor protection and covering fire to suppress enemy opposition.

● Fully animated turret, weapons and rear troop access ramp

Available now. To purchase or view the model in-world, visit The Omega Concern's main store in Second Life.

The user manual is also available for your perusal: http://goo.gl/zsUHB

Second Life の商品を表示


  • Original mesh model designed for SL
  • Low memory use, low script time, no lag


評価平均: full star full star full star full star half star
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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2014/01/12 : JamesHale15

This Bradley is the best Infantry Fighting Vehicle i have seen on SL from the fact that the canon fixes itself if you get out to the ramp closing when you start it up also the detail to the realism in truth i wish i could give it more starts.

I would defiantly recommend this to a friend

Amazing Weapon
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2013/08/13 : Moghedian

The Bradley fighting vehicle from OCS is a great buy! As with all OCS products attention to detail outstrips any and all competition. Unfortunately as with all OCS products there are very few areas which allow use of the OCS combat system; meaning that using this weapon in combat limits you to one (maybe two) sim in SL known as The Fulda Gap and run by OCS. Beware the Fulda Gap sim is highly regulated and is not for those simply wishing to rezz their new vehicle and shoot some stuff up. They WILL ban you for not following the rules! (and there are a lot of rules) However the vehicle is fun to use even without an operable combat system and once again the detail is simply amazing. I am very satisfied with the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and would like to give OCS a big thumbs up!





The Omega Concern
The Omega Concern
販売元: April Heaney


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 130