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MMnM Inostrancevia Avatar バージョン 1.2.0

MMnM Inostrancevia Avatar
MMnM Inostrancevia Avatar
1 レビュー

~~~~~UPDATED DECEMBER 8 2023!!!

Added an EXTRAS box, which includes the Inostrancevia avatar separated by body part, and a shape to fix the eyes on the Separated Body parts version. This is to prepare for a devkit update which will allow creators to more easily make body parts for the avatar, such as heads, legs, and more!

Also included in the EXTRAS box, is a new scaly normal map for those of you who do not want to be covered in fur. That is all!~~~~~

The MMnM Inostrancevia Avatar is based on a real life prehistoric creature from the Permian era!

It is a fully BOM Capable mesh with 15 markings and several base skins to choose from. It includes a Tavatar AO with multiple speeds and mixed animations! Make your own skins and markings with the texture modding kit, or make your own accessories with the public devkit! There are two varieties of Furred normal maps, with a scaly one coming soon.

This avatar does NOT include an Action HUD yet, and the avatar is in one piece as of now. These things will change in future updates, and as such, the price of the avatar will be reduced until all the major features are in. There is also no sound player yet!

Have fun being a prehistoric predator!

  • Fully BOM
  • Bento Mesh
  • Tavatar AO
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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It's wonderful!!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2024/04/20 : SGT1TS Morbid

I love being able to run around as a gorgonospid critter!!! A tip for those interested in modding or doing "more" with it, hellhund animations sometimes work and the hellhund AO works very well c: Though the included AO is wonderful too!!


L$ 1,500



MMnM Niche Market
MMnM Niche Market
販売元: Peridot Nightingale


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