**Manko** - JASON Stanley Style #2#
Male Shape & Styling Card
► All items are COPY/MOD/NO TRANSFER
► Please try the DEMOS before you purchase and contact me via notecard if you need any help or customer service
You can find more informations
► Flickr : https://www.flickr.com/photos/teliko2sl/
► Blogspot : https://justamaninworld.blogspot.fr/
Thanks again.
Can't Load it from inventory
Can you please redeliver this to me? I can't find your store inworld anymore. Nothing shows up in search and LM is wrong.
Can't wear the Belleza shape at all. I keep getting this message "Failed to find body part named **Manko** - JASON Stanley Style #2# belleza in the database." What that mean? Please redeliver if you can. Thanks!
L$ 499
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