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Michie Marine Sport Cruiser SD37 バージョン 1.0

Michie Marine Sport Cruiser SD37
Michie Marine Sport Cruiser SD37
16 レビュー

Street Dancer 37feet

Set the standard for comfort and elegance
with a MichieMarine Sport Cruiser.

MM SD37 operation guide
W or up arrow is speed up.
S or down arrow is slowdoun.

A or left arrow is turn left.
D or right arrow is turn right.

shift + D or right arrow is turn left.
shift + A or left arrow is turn right.

E or page up is Cruise Control on. keep accelerate.
C or page down is Cruise Control off.

click the body to open menu.(owner)

driver&color setting menu

Light on or off, Cancel
Bule Hull, Red Hull, Silver Hull,Desert yellow Hull,Green Hull,Owner, same group, anyone
group&anyone mode is always temporary,
and Owner mode in Cruise Control ON is temporary.
When you get off, you have a case to disappear it.

Thank you.

Michie yokosuka

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full star full star full star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2016/11/25 : Giavanni Inglewood

I can't get the boat to move. Can someone help?

Very good!
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2016/04/25 : 2Tessa

Very good!


L$ 0

Michie Yokosuka
Michie Yokosuka


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