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OTTILIE - Sheer Lip Ice - Natural Lipstick

OTTILIE - Sheer Lip Ice - Natural Lipstick

Now available too for Evo&EvoX https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/OTTILIE-Sheer-Lip-Ice-LeL-EvoEVoX/22942434

Sheer lippies come in 6 shades for all skin tones. Give your lips a soft and natural look with very soft colors.

The lip pictures are NOT edited, filtered or photoshopped and taken in middle graphic level. What you see is what you get!

This product works with:
- Catwa (classic), LeLutka (classic) and Genus mesh heads (bento & non-bento)
- All Omega friendly mesh heads (you can check it here! http://slpoweredbyomega.com/supported-meshes/)
- Classic avatars

If there is any issue about the delivery or product, contact ottilieberry inworld.

Happy Shopping! <3

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塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2020/09/14 : Isabelle Lapis

It's very hard to find decent lip stuff for Lelutka that isn't an applier. This has the applier if one so wishes to use it, but I am thankful for the bom layers. Looks fantastic. Thank you!

塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2019/08/15 : AvalynPhaedra

Very difficult to find lip gloss that does not completely change the shape of my mouth. This does a little but is not offensive and doesn't make me look like I got smashed in the mouth with Kylie Jenner lip fillers. Definitely a win for Lelutka heads.

I love this sheer lipgloss
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2019/06/09 : isyanahemas

It is almost impossible to find a really good sheer lipgloss made especially for Lelutka Bento Heads. The ones that claim to be lipgloss look too neon-ish and garish on the lips. If you wear a Lelutka, I highly recommend you add Ottile to your makeup collection! Well worth it!!! Thank you so much Ottilleberry!
