{Om Shanti} - Mee DEMO
Thank you for buying {Om Shanti} products, all my products has been made by me and primarily for my personal use. Here some info about my shapes:
- My shapes has been made specifically for GENUS Project - Genus Classic Bento head - Mocap and will not look same with any other head.
- The shapes has been made for Maitreya Lara, Belleza Freya and Belleza Isis.
- The DEMO is NOT modifiable, but I had decided to make it with all parts usable and exactly as the full version is, so you can use it freely but you won't be able to change anything on it.
- The FULL VERSION is modifiable it means you will be able to change and adjust whatever you please.
- I had included 4 eyebrows shaper in every package (the one suggested and 3 more).
Additional here are some recommendations:
- Always try a demo (for shapes, skins, hairs, etc.).
- Mix options, try different shapes with different skins, sometimes the results are even better than the proposed styles.
- Get familiar with your huds.
If you have any question or issue please don't hesitate to contact me via NOTECARD, I will be delighted to help you.
Shanti Imari
L$ 1
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