Second Life's original maze generator. Just rez and tell it what size maze you want, and it does the rest.
Umm wow
I will admit, this is awesome...however. It should be said DO NOT USE THIS ON A PLATFORM! The prims will fall through the platform to the ground...and you wouldnt believe the mess if your not expecting that! On the whole though, once past that snag, its a great system, even if it is primmy.
Just great!
It is primmy, quite actually, but if you put some work on it, it's alot easier to just set the prims to their sizes so they become fewer than having to build a whole maze out of nothing!
Like the auto generator.
Loved the auto generator and that it generates different mazes but as both reviews before me, this build is extremely primmy. For example..a 10x10 maze was 71 separate prims for me. It was easy enough to recreate with less prims but its not so instant any longer. It would also be great as said prior with a derez option. It does what it says and I appreciate that with so many out there that don't.
Not bad, but could use a bit of cleanup.
Not bad. I like an auto maze generator, but this does use a lot of prims, and it could use a way to unbuild or clean up after itself when done.
Awesome gadget but a lil to many prims
This is really an awesome gadget and the price is great. the only down side is that it take alot of prims to make a decent sized maze which wasnt put in the description. Its really easy to use and the placement of the prims were excelent. Just maybe put that it takes a decent amount of prims in the description? To bad I didnt have that many avaliable or this would have been perfect. Could you maybe make one that has longer walls?