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Platform Button バージョン 1.0

Platform Button
Platform Button
5 レビュー

Rez a platform at your position with one click.

I made this for myself, as I got tired of having to spawn a block, going up to the height then re-sizing and so on. It's simple, add the HUD and click the button, there's your platform.

It's just a simple full perm freebie you can customize for yourself, Enjoy!

P.S. You can even make it spawn your own item by changing the "Platform" parameter to whatever you want it to spawn and put the item in the HUD.

  • Single-Click Platform Rezzer
評価平均: full star full star full star full star half star
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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2014/11/29 : Christina100

So simple and so useful! It's exactly what I needed! Thank you so much!!!

amazing - Congrats!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2014/05/23 : ailailai Haiku

This just I'wanted for years!!! It give to me the privacy and tranquility for my work in a sandbox
Es exactamente lo que buscaba para poder trabajar tranquila y en privacidad en las sandbox
é esattamente ciò che cercavo per riuscire ad avere privacy e tranquilità mentre lavoro nelle sandbox


L$ 0

The Store Of Convenience
The Store Of Convenience
販売元: MayanPrediction


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