Pose Couple pose Eye Moscow DS'Elles BOX
Stand Pose couple Eyes Moscow
-2 Prims
-Adjusting Poses
With this multi sit , these poses can be moved around in many different ways. This makes it very versatile and capable of many different ways and places to pose on the stand. Just use the XYZ system to move yourself about.
The new place for quality poses.
Custom Modeling Poses, Singles, Couples.
Mod/ Copy/ No Transfer
-Come try the poses in shop
Any questions, send me IM or Note Card please.
Please feel free to post your great photo on Goupe DS'Elles https://www.flickr.com/groups/2802547@N22/pool/?donepending=1
Thank you for your purchase <33
Deesselle Destiny
Second Life の商品を表示設備
- Pose satique
- stand
- Photographer
- couple