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~*SR*~ Forgotten Secrets of Sanity

~*SR*~ Forgotten Secrets of Sanity

Dear Customers,

The ~ *SR*~ Forgotten Secrets of Sanity is an old open ruin, within many secrets. While the old ruined towers rise up, you will find the top of an old fountain in front of the ruins, which is emblazoned with ghostly fog.
Entering the ruins over some stonesteps, you`ll stands in front of a round window. On closer viewing discovered a lax stone and there you find the way into the hidden room.
The hall includes at the left side still a secret room, but if you go straight, you come through a secret door in a long corridor.
Once again, we discovered upon closer inspection a hidden door next to the torch. Behind this is revealed to a small crypt. Walking the course of, you get into the cave part, which can be ideally used by Lycans. Here are several cave rooms, and a cell that can be opened only from the outside by a turnstile.
The straw contains more than one pose, so that the prisoners can be different and sit.
If you once walked through the whole cave and found the exit, so you are faced with a heavy stone, which can be pushed to the side.
All doors can be set by the owner so that either everyone has access to the doors, or only a certain number of people. This requires the access list of the NC setup change.

Prims: 219
Dimensions: 65m x 35m

WARNING: The copy of all my products is prohibited
and will be punished by me with a report at Linden Labs.

Thank you for shopping and best regards.

Sweetgwendoline Bailey

Second Life の商品を表示
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2015/10/21 : Luzy Nitely

perfect fun..thx

Very interesting
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2014/04/04 : November Velde

I've purchased a few items before spending this amount. I am glad I did and love that it is modify. Gives me reason to pull up my sim. Great product.

Very Nice, wish other pieces had demos though.
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2014/03/02 : Yuri Takeda

This is a great addition to Gothic themed sims or any thing needing a cemetery or simaler for their sim. i found little to fault in the construction of this item,

Side Note though sadly to my own regret i wish the other SR builds had demos, i ended up spending more then i needed too buying every build this builder made only to find they are all very close to the same, as such not usable for my concept as they all fit roughly the same theme (Gothic Cemetery) and as such i waisted nearly 6K Lindens on variations of the same thing. If your going to buy from this builder i recommend getting Forgotten Secrets of Sanity, it is the best bang for your L.

Setting it in the ground
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2013/10/04 : Miyu Freenote

so I am acutally burying it in the ground to where the ground of the area with thw well is at ground level and ofcorse its in the sky but its hard to get some of it right and get a path leading out of it for the big stone exit also to match the stone and rock thats already there, the other thing is to make an exit that compliments the ruins as well since the one is now burried underground.
The textures and everything look great and Im glad I got this it will do great for halloween and even after for other fun.
Thankyou Sweetgwendoline for a very nice product and this is comming from a builder that pais a lot of attention to detail.
this build is top knotch, If I wasn't trying to move and modify the way people exit it would be perfect!

Miyu Freenote

Wasn't quite what I expected...
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2013/09/26 : Piper44601

I have to admit: the description sounded intriguing, and the pics looked good. However, I have spent a great deal on things that presented themselves as such...only to be disappointed. I admit, I have very peculiar expectations at times, so... I decided to take a chance.
Let me say that it's advertising DOES NOT do it justice! The actual walk through...even tho I knew what to expect from the detailed description - was absolutely AMAZING!
Flawless execution of scripts. (btw.... does not cause lag!) Amazing alignment of textures! (hidden rooms actually ARE hidden) And a brilliant build at only 219 prim!
I would have gladly paid 2.5K for a build like this. So 999L is a priceless investment!
Not quite sure HOW she managed it, but this is DEFINITELY a builder that knows what she's doing! Would give 100 stars if I could.

An art...
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2013/08/28 : Lover Vollmar

the textures are just awesome!!!! It couldn't be better!
