NOTE: This is the DEMO version!
The hooves have the following features:
---HUD Driven
---Loads customizable add-ons such as socks, rings, dangle gems, and ribbons
--- Open sourced textures you can edit on your computer and use in your hooves
--- Hooves make a “Clip/Clop” sound when walking and Running. The rate of this can be adjusted to match the animations in your AO.
Very cool
Once I worked out how the HUD worked I was very impressed with them, lots of options certainly. It takes a little while to get the hang of the HUD.
As many others have said, the demo boxes are a bit of a pain, but I wouldn't let it stop me from buying the full version.
I don't usually spend this much on accessories or attachments like this, but I think this will definitely be a good investment...
Very cool and I'm sure I'm going to love the full version as its modify :)
they're ok
they're ok from what I can see, it was really annoying to have to look at them through a see through box with green writing all over it, I'm not big on the shape of them but it's neat that you get all the accessories, the clip clop sound is like someone banging a cup on a counter... not that great lol if the full version is mod you can get rid of it but I wanted them because they had all the extras and the sounds. These aren't for me, they're not too bad though
Looks good
I messaged the creator, and I was pretty critical, especially about the lack of a resize script on the demo versions. I don't think a resize script would hurt the product seeing as there is a big green Demo Box surrounding each leg. I do think a resize script would alleviate customer fears about the product fitting and actually looking good on their avatars.
Am I still going to buy the full version? Yes. It's modify so you can resize it, delete scripts, all that good stuff.
Demos are tricky, we all know, but having the entire demo encased in glowing green text makes it awfully hard to see the actual product and how it meshes with one's avie.
There also doesn't seem to be an option to turn the sounds off at all, which will prevent me from buying these. Alas!
Needs a resizer
Or add a different alpha. My avatar legs and the mesh hooves do not blend in together like the picture shows, with the demo, and I am kinda floating above the hooves. I do not want to change my legs, and make myself shorter. Because I am a demon I am a tall avatar. Alot of us are. And a resizer in the hud would be great. If you added a resizer to the hud, or made a different alpha I would buy these, and probably refer my demon friends, but until it is fixed I wont be buying them. Otherwise, I loved the options, great for short avatars.
A lot of Fun
These are a lot of fun to play with. If you're new to HUDs then this may take a little more savvy than you're used to, but trial and error and you'll catch on. I also messaged the creator with questions about being able to re-size the full product and if the textures were given so that i could create my own higher fur socks. She was very pleasant and helpful. I'm going to have a lot of fun with the full version :D
As someone else posted, the demo boxes (which are words and transparent) are a little annoying, but nothing to get bent out of shape over...unless you don't know how to use your cam...then it could be a bit of a pain. I had no problems at all with the demo.