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Stormwood: The Broken Tree Hangout (sits 6 avs)

Stormwood: The Broken Tree Hangout (sits 6 avs)

"We called it the Broken Tree. Shattered in a violent storm, so many years ago, the thick gnarled trunk of the tree slowly succumbed to the pressures of time and the invasion of soft lichens that enveloped and flourished on it. Every summer we'd hang out on the tree after swimming, play hide and seek, and make our tents around it, a summer tradition. All of us kids who played on the Broken Tree, we were certain it was dead, parts of it long rotten and gone hollow. But one spring, to our delight, a small twig began to bud and sprout leaves. This tree which seemed, for all intents, to be a rotted-out hollow log, lovingly trampled by rambunctious youth, still had a tiny spark of life in it. Ever since that day we discovered the little branch with leaves, we vowed to protect and love the Broken Tree."

Mesh Tree scene with hilly mound to blend into your terrain.
Seats 6 avatars, with 16 animations
8 Li (snow version, 9 Li)

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Totally worth it!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 05, 2016 by PaigeDeNovo


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