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THiNC Book 2.0 (Make your own book, photo album, etc)

THiNC Book 2.0  (Make your own book, photo album, etc)
THiNC Book 2.0  (Make your own book, photo album, etc)
946 レビュー

The THiNC Book has full animations and sound such as: the book closing, opening and turning pages. The THiNC Book is transferable and fully modifiable. You may color, texture or resize it any way you like. If you don't want to bother with step by step direction you can just throw your pictures in and it will sort the pictures alphabetically. Or you can take control by naming them alphabetically to what will be shown first. One way I recomend is naming them by numbers, ex: 1, 2, 3, etc. 1 will be first and so on. The book may be browsed by anyone if left out. This is a versatile book that can be use for many applications, here are some of the obvious ones:

1) Photo Albums - Setup your own photo album with your pictures to capture the memories. Leave it out so your friends can browse through it.

2) Novel - Inspired author? Just create and type text on each page using your favorite paint program. Save it as a graphic file and upload the graphics and store them in the book.

3) Catalog - Another advertising tool. Use it for your items for sale, or a portfolio of your work, etc. Place the book out in your store for people to browse or use the Thinc Press to make copies to give out.

4) Gifts - Create a custom albums or book to give out to a friend. It would be a great gift for wedding guests.

5) Make Money and Publish your book - Make multiple copies of your book to give out or to sell. THiNC Printing Press Required.

If you haven't done so, check all our items on display for demo at the Main store. If there are any questions or comments please IM Toneless Tomba.

*** Every texture or snapshot must have full permissions. It will give any photos without full permissions back to you. Also if you create a book for someone else make sure each texture or snapshot will have full permission to the person that it will be given to. ( Check all 3 boxes "Next owner can:", Modify, Copy, Resell/Give away.) Otherwise it will warn you about the number of textures that do not have these permissions.

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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2006/08/04 : Gene Jacobs

I bought this as well as the Printing Press.

This book is very cool! wheather you want to use it for a Greeting Card or Photo Album... to even something larger like a Catalog or Best Seller... it is very simple to use.

I created my own covers and spine, and replaced them with the ones in the Books Contents, and it automatically did the updating.

For adding pages, I named my pages the numbers in the order that I wanted them to appear in the book and it did the rest.

This is so easy to use that you could create the covers for someone's wedding... go to the wedding and take photos... drop the pics in the book behind a tree somewhere... and present the gift before they have broken up and found new partners at the reception...

And the HUD attachment feature is so cool... I have no promlems getting my camera right on the book, but attaching it as a HUD rocks big time.


L$ 75



Toneless Tomba


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