Tredpro Richland House
The Tredpro Richland home is a Victorian styled 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house with multiple floors and an attic. The house features plenty of room to put things yet a small enough footprint that it can easily fit on a 1024m parcel. The house is ONLY 42 prims when rezzed (51 including the extra furniture) and has doors built in. The house comes with a number of textures for a variety of styles and all can be changed easily from the controller located near the front door.
Footprint 26m x 18m
See item in Second Life- Low Prim Cound / Land Impact
- High detail mesh construction
- Low texture use (low lag)
- Easy to setup
- Multiple Textures for inside and out
One of the most amazing houses I have seen on SL. 3 hidden rooms, great textures and options, home security system and only 42 LI. As well the house is mod so you can customize. Well optimized mesh throughout the whole place. Make more houses please!!!! This one is amazing!!!
I love this house it is what I am currently using and I love the fact it comes with the kitchen in it although strangely no sink but that's not much of an issue as I installed a dishwasher. The fire I wish had a switch to have a crackling fire but that's not an issue either as can always stick a prim one down.
Really great textures, plenty of room for furniture, low prim, great balcony to place some chairs down to enjoy the night air and a surprising secret. Already it feels like home where I have it.