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Two-handed Drow Sword バージョン 1.2

Two-handed Drow Sword
Two-handed Drow Sword
3 レビュー

This set comes with:

- Two-handed Drow Sword (drawn)
- Two-handed Drow Sword (sheathed)
- Two-handed Drow Belt
- Weapons HUD (draw/sheath)

How to use this weapon?

Attaching to your body
- open the box and copy all items in your inventory
- open the folder "Two-handed Drow Sword" in your inventory add all items to outfit
- the weapon is already set to the correct position, so don't attach it to any other parts
- to draw the weapon, simply press on the sheathed one (or the belt)
- same procedure when you want to sheath it again
- or use the weapons HUD

- for the best result go to first person view - mouselook
- press the normal combat combination - LMB (left mouse button) + movement keys (up, down, right and quess what - left)
- the weapon does middle/heavy damage, but it is slower then a light one-handed weapon

About the company: H & S MetalWorks ltd. was founded in the year 1778 with the only purpose, to gain their costumers satisfaction! H & S MetalWorks ltd. swords, daggers, spears and other melee weapons, clothes and others are made with finest materials and textures. Their scripts work perfect with all combat systems and are made for several different characters. High detailed and very pleasant to use!

IM Sanja Guyot inworld for deatiled informations!

Enjoy your weapon and hope to see you soon!

評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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L$ 799



H&S MetalWorks ltd.
販売元: Sanja Guyot


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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