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Ultimate Dragon Breath #1: Flame Tongue

Ultimate Dragon Breath #1: Flame Tongue
Ultimate Dragon Breath #1: Flame Tongue
12 レビュー

Ultimate Dragon Breath Series: #1 Flame Tongue

Personally, I LOVE Dragons, I have over 90 different dragon AV's in my inventory. However most dragons have lame breath weapons of one simple particle puff that just washes over other AV's with the mildness of a summer breeze. Dragons need something with a little more MASS DISTRUCTION and BLASTING HARSHNESS to inspire the FEAR OF GOD in the mortal races.... so ENTER the Ultimate DRAGON BREATH!

This is Breath is MEGA. Animated TEXTURES! Custom designed, layered particle effects! GLOW! The goal of this project was to create the BEST Dragon Breath Weapon in the whole of SL!


Burns and Roasts people (applies to any prim impact based RP system)
Incinerates people in any damage enabled land.
Melts people who walk into your inferno fire field (20% Linden Lab damage with each touch)

Set fire to Structures and Scorch the land with blazing infernos.
Causes other AV's and physical object to fly back from the force of your blast.
Works in no push area's too!!! WOW!
Works in NO REZ Zones! (only the animated textures, particles and sounds. No push or burning inferno)
Believable sound effects for the breath and the inferno fires
Built in auto updater (you will always have the most current version)
Gesture Controlled, f5 by default

  • Awesome Fire Effect (for large dragons)
  • Requires a little AV MODING (instructions provided)
  • Burns the Sim, leaves flaming carnage at the impact points
  • Sound Effects!
  • Works in No Rez Zones (see description)
評価平均: full star full star full star half star empty star
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2021/02/12 : Dragoon2002

you cant modify it at all.. you make people lag like hell.. cant resize it either.. unless you're at a sim "WITH NO LAG" and dedicated to dragon stuff like this then sure.. but i don't see why anyone else would want this. Also! can very much be used as a lag/crashing tool when put into the wrong hands.

Really fun to use in RP
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2015/08/11 : Ninjakittens

I just set the sim on fire when chasing someone in an rp, it was epic! I use this with my adult Seawolf avatar, and was able to align the emitter to fit the head perfectly.


L$ 799



Yao Imaginations
販売元: Zypher Yao


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