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Ultimate Hinged Door and Window System Script Touch or Auto Open Close ,Access List, Password, smooth, Fence, Mesh V11 バージョン 11

Ultimate Hinged Door and Window System Script Touch or Auto Open Close ,Access List, Password, smooth, Fence, Mesh V11
Ultimate Hinged Door and Window System Script Touch or Auto Open Close ,Access List, Password, smooth, Fence, Mesh V11
3 レビュー

Door/window/fence can be locked or automatic open with sensor, touch, access list or with password.
Acces mode: Owner > Group > Public > Sensor > Password > Access List > Lock.
Rez from a rezzer when linked proof.

All mesh doors/windows
All sculpted doors/windows
All normal doors/windows
All swing doors/windows
All pivot windows
All types of revolving garage doors
All tilting doors
All bathroom revolving doors
All hinged fences
All synchronized double doors.

Not for sliding doors/windows.
Not for constant rotating doors/objects in one direction.

Password ✓
Swing angle ✓
Swing direction ✓
Open/close speed ✓
Auto close time ✓
Free hinge point(pivot) on all axis (XYZ) ✓
Channels for synchronized double doors ✓

- Add your own sounds, as UUID or Item sounds from your Inventory.
(18 sounds as UUID included in a notecard.)

To open the menu: Left click and hold for 1 second.
You can choose any pivot point on all axis or a combination of the XYZ axis.
Sample doors included so you can see the settings for: revolving garage door, normal hinged door, mesh door, stone wall, metal fence, synchronized double doors.

Menu options:
- Access menu = to select: Group, Public, Lock, Access List, Sensor or password access. (Owner has always access.)
- Test on/off = to test the access as owner.
- Sensor menu = to set detection range of the sensor. 1-6 m. (Sensor is always public access.)
- Password menu = to enter a new password.
- Settings = to set pivot point and angle for rotation.
- Sync menu = to synchronize double doors with the same channel. (Linked only.)
- Sound menu:
- Open = to enter your own sound as UUID at the moment the door opens.
- Closed = to enter your own sound as UUID at the moment the door is closed.
- Start closing = to enter your own sound as UUID at the moment the door starts to close.
- Sound on/off = to turn the door sounds on/off.
- Help = to find the help notecard in your Inventory.
- Open time = to set time the door stays open.
- Speed = to set a time how long it takes the door from closed to open and vice versa.

- Only the owner can see the menu.
- Linked or unlinked, when linked the main prim may not be the door.
- The stay open time can set from: 1 sec to 1 hour, 0=∞.
- Notecard how to use.
- If you are not successful, send me a landmark and I do it for you.

Have fun :)
Good luck with the doors/script.

  • Menu controlled.
  • Notecard how to use.
  • No script knowledge required.
  • Can be linked to other parts.
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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Very nice script!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2021/01/18 : Jay0619

I could set the hinges for the mesh doors, and such as opening angle, door opening / closing sound, and sensors made it intuitive and easy on the menus . I was looking for a script to open and close my favorite mesh door and this script did a good job. Thank you!


L$ 100



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