Umbrella (carryable): Funbrella / Clear WHITE
Introducing Funbrella
Entirely carryable umbrella just like in RL! Fully scripted with user-friendly HUD controlling OPEN/CLOSE state, reality to be accomplished by umbrella holding animation, final touched by an enhanced OPEN/CLOSE sound. On top of that, all Funbrella models come with 100% color adjustable from HUD as standard.
More than 7 unique models to choose from (and new models are coming up...) plus this exclusive color adjustment ability, there must be at least one to suit your perfect avatar!!
Funbrella / Clear WHITE
Contemporary design shade. See-through Funbrella with WHITE handle (handle does not have color adjustable ability in this method).
Funbrella is extreme rare item found in SL. All purchase will be delivered to you in a very lovely gift box format.
Q: Is the shade color adjustable on this Funbrella model?
A: Yes, each Funbrella model is fitted with shade color adjustable function on the HUD control.
Second Life の商品を表示L$ 526
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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