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VALUE DEAL Home Theatre Skybox boxed by Abiss

VALUE DEAL Home Theatre Skybox boxed by Abiss
VALUE DEAL Home Theatre Skybox boxed by Abiss
4 レビュー

Abiss interior proudly presents Home Theatre skybox - Celebrity style living

After several hundreds hours of careful work, we are happy to deliver this fine package to Sl residents.

This 77 prim structure represents an interior pre-made scene with accurate and realistic looking shading and lighting. What makes it special is fact
that even furnishings are made in way to visually match ambiance and illumination. Completely furnished when all pieces are rezzed, it takes up to 137

Footprint / dimensions of skybox are 14 x 21 m

Prim count - What you get

77 up to 137 fully furnished as displayed

skybox structure - 77 prims with linked pieces (TV frame, cabinet, bar and fixtures, shelves) in 2 versions - one with furniture rezzer and other, just
room without floor shadows (not sold separately).

cuddle couch - 7 prims
armchairs - 5 prims each
bar stools - 3 prims each
painting/poster frames - 3 prims each
glasses/vases/figures - 2 prims each
rug/bottle - 1 prim each

Animation count:

Cuddle couch - 15 + 16 regular sitting lounge or laying poses for 2 avatars *adjustable
136 menu driven animation/pose pairs grouped into cuddles, adult and girls only categories | *adjustable
Armchairs - 26 various sit/lounge poses *adjustable
Bar Stools - 7 poses *adjustable
Bartender - 2 poses*adjustable

Permissions are MOD and COPY for owner


1. Pay vendor required amount and accept inventory offer
2. Go to your land where you wish to positions sky box structure
3. Rezz box on ground and open it / copy contents into your inventory
4. Find appropriate object inside your inventory and rezz it at ground
5. Position to your preference and choose sit anywhere on skybox (it will anchor your avatars position as bartender). Then from edit, object sub-tab
choose desired altitude (Z position vector coordinates)
6. Grab LM for your position so you can get there later easily.
7. To rezz furnishings, simply touch wooden cabinet and use REZ button
8. Tats it, all done :)

Furniture usage:

* Bar stools are only piece of furniture non mod as no modification is needed ever.
Sit on stool using RMB, then from pie menu select corresponding option. Touch same stool you are sitting on again to switch pose. You can adjust your ?
sitting position by typing /1a in main chat window. That brings up adjustment menu (self explaining)

* Loop Armchairs
Sit on armchair using RMB, then from pie menu select corresponding option. Touch same chair you are sitting on again to switch pose. You can adjust your ?
sitting position by typing /1a in main chat window. That brings up adjustment menu (self explaining)

* Loop Cuddle Couch
Standard sitting for 2 avatars:
use RMB to target left or right beige CUSHIONS, use sit options from pie menu to sit on either. Once you are seated, touch cushion again to switch pose. ?
You can adjust your sitting position by typing /1a in main chat window. That brings up adjustment menu (self explaining).

Menu driven multiple pose couch is activate by owner touching anywhere on it without sitting. It will start loading and finish after approx minute ?
(depends on region performance or lag). Afterward, users can access the menu by touching anywhere, after selecting pose of preference, pose balls ?
(hearts) come up. Since couch is fully modifiable, you can check out further information on menu adjustments and usage at ?

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Home theater
  • couch
  • bar
  • Cuddle
  • exclusive
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2023/04/19 : Clem Marques

I love this. Abiss Interior never disappoints.

full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2011/08/10 : jromantic Halostar

Beautiful movie skybox everything is so detail I love it!! Great job!


L$ 3,990



Abiss Design
Abiss Design
販売元: Frasha Boa


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

  • コピー
  • 修正
  • 再販・プレゼント
  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
土地の負荷: 77