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.:*:.WoopsieDoo.:*:. Asian kid shape - UPDATED

.:*:.WoopsieDoo.:*:.  Asian kid shape - UPDATED
.:*:.WoopsieDoo.:*:.  Asian kid shape - UPDATED
5 レビュー

Welcome, this is my official and original shape I use in my daily Second Life, hence why it is very overpriced, though, most have asked for it and I decided to put it for sale. To avoid having tons of copies of myself I put the price up high.

There is no DEMO thanks to our dear friendly copybotters. There are 4 versions I always wear default, some are covered under character names. (Old RP names). However, this shape is cheaper because I do not use it much anymore. "Matsui Shape" Has become the default and the most advanced shape I ever made, along with adult version.

This shape is very reccommended to the asians and asian lovers, femboys/girly boys/etc. I am boy myself, but it could also go well as a girl depending on your skin. ANYONE purchasing this skin gets a free asian skin my friend provides for free. IM Me in-world after purchase. The skin goes well on this shape and has been tested. Thank you!

If you wish to meet me in-world, you may.

Shape height : 4'10/1.47
Gender: Boy & Girl.
(When growing up just add breast, I could help with it, if growing up being male, it need no change in chest.)

*NOTE: if you aren't content after purchase, I can edit it FOR FREE to your liking and help you out for your ideal shape. I can do anything to your decission.

評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 スター:
Thanks man
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2015/01/08 : MasterYuji

Love my new avi because of this shape ><

Too cute!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2013/04/30 : Tomo Foxpaws

After buying this shape, Matsui was very helpful and responsive. Deserves more stars!! Overall this shape is perfect and very adorable!


L$ 1,499



販売元: Matsui Thei


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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