Yay Blanket DEMO

The YAY blanket.
This is a COOL full body blanket. It gives the appearance that you have a blanket over your head and body like in RL.
It will work with any sized avatar from child size to adult size.
There is a minor issue with the legs popping through a tiny bit while walking, but it is not really a major problem it still looks great. I tried really hard to get it %100 perfect.
Hair: You need to wear a short hair style with this blanket as larger hair styles will poke through.
This comes with an alpha layer to hide your arms. But other than that you can wear all your clothing underneath it. Mesh tops or prim attachment parts for your arms will need to be removed.
Reviews comments and suggestions welcome.
- Rigged mesh
Perfect for SMB
I got the full version as a gift. I got this demo just so I could leave a good review. Wish I could for the full version too. I love my Yay Blanket. It is great for cold mornings or times when you just want to have a mobile blanket fort. Lovelovelove.
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