eXxEsS Mesh Hair : Zora Demo
eXxEsS Hair : Zora Demo
Try out this Demo to decide, which color pack you like. The difference between them is:
↳ A Pack contains 56 single-tone hair colors.
↳ B Pack contains 56 multi-tone hair colors.
⚡ ⚠ If you have any problems with the product or a question, contact me (Layja Vidor) in world.
⚡ ⚠ This hairstyle is made out of rigged mesh, hence it can not be resized nor repositioned.
However, you will be able to delete the scripts,tint and texturize the full version,
☎ Visit/Follow us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/exxess3d
Love it!!!!!
I have tried most of your demos and I totally believe your the BEST hair Maker in SL. I will be buying like a few of them for my own Christmas gift to myself this year. Love how real they look. I also love the fact that you added demos and gave us all the colors to try without obstructing the view in any way. That shows confidence in your product and that your not afraid to show off what you got even if some people wear your demo and don't know any better. Still Free advertisement :) Well thanks for making these nice hairs. I love them and great Ideas for your Dollarbies.
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