[mock]Bellini Lipshine tester
Absolutely delicious. Wearable demo in Bellini Lipshines are summery colors to help brighten up your outfit. They are perfect for a day on the beach, or a sultry date night out in the dunes....
Shimmery, Shiny, Gossamer, Bright.
Love your current skin? So do we!
M.O.C.K cosmetics are designed to enhance your current look, without sacrificing who YOU are.
The layers have some amount of transparency so your 'natural' skin base structure will show through, much like real life makeup.
Mix and match with your favorite lip color, eyeshadow, lashes, beauty marks, freckles, tattoos. Change it up or tone it down. The choice is yours!
Second Life の商品を表示設備
- Makeup Layer Tattoo for Viewer 2.0 or other compatible viewers
- Wear over your current makeup for a new look
- 3 sizes
- Wearable demo in Bellini
Very delicate ...
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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