- Profile
Defiant Pixels offers exclusive tattoos and poses. We keep our prices at lowest for your hard earned lindens and strive to keep our promises when it comes to high quality products, textures, animations and unique design.
Visit our store in world to check both tattoos, poses and get the overall feeling of the product before your purchase.
We have 25% price reduction policy for customers that join our group and purchase wares directly from our store vendors.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to drop us either an IM or a notecard (CSR contacts: Dizcordia Resident or Detron Seorn). We will be happy to assist you as soon as possible!
- Policies
Please take in account that we don't do any refunds, unless our wares are proven to have a defect or do not work as intended (e.g. broken scripts, empty packages, missing items, and so forth).
Also please make sure you have at hand the transaction date and transaction ID. We will re-deliver lost products immediately when we realize the problem. We advice strongly that you purchase from our in wo