- プロフィール
Hi, I'm Emyy Baxton. I started to love Second Life (the game) since July 2008.
Here I realized that the design of clothing and accessories was my big passion, like also in rl :)
So I created EB Atelier fashion brand for sl.
I live in Italy, a country full the arts and history.
This influenced my style and my good taste. Remember the best fashion's designers were born in Italy .
I hope you like the my ideas about my designs.
I'm always working to refine my skill more and more.
Thanks to all to be choose my products.
TO SEND ME ANY COMMUNICATION USE NOTECARD because IM's are often lost. Thank you.
Emyy Baxton
http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Update-on-Marketplace-Delivery-Delays/td-p/838505- ポリシー
Every design in my store are completely MY creations.
I love handwork, most my creations with prim or sculpted prim (like skirts, jewelery and accessories..etc) are refined to hand. In this way every thing has a more natural look. Some sculpted or meshes things aren't my creations but I texture these with great care for you!
212 個の一致する商品が見つかりました。
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
0 レビュー
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton
EB Atelier- Italian fashion designer : Emyy Baxton