- Profile
RUBY Skins is the place to purchase high quality realistic skins and shapes plus our full line of realistic gender enhancements, shoes & clothing.
Known for our exceptional Elderly Skins RUBY Skins also carries Middle Aged, Ethnic, Fantasy & Young Men & Ladies.
The uniqueness of RUBY Skins carries through from head to foot, we don't just change faces and say it is a new skin, we give each AV an individual body as well as face, and our skins are fully textured including the top and back of the head.
Finally we offer a high level of customer support we want you to have a good experience when you purchase from RUBY Skins, our goal is immediate service but we are not always here so we will try and answer all issues with-in 12 hours.
Carmella Ruby - RUBY Skins- Policies
All products sold with no refund please try a skin demo first available at our store in world or on Marketplace.