This Store
Bella Kids
Bella Kids
販売元: IsabellaRose Fallen
登録日: 2010/06/04

Clothes, furniture, toys, and accessories made specifically with children in mind, though avis of all ages can enjoy them! I try to keep my prices reasonable, and promise to never offer anything that I don't feel is my very best quality and completely 100% safe for children to use/wear/play with ^^

I love hunts, and would be honored to be a part of kid-friendly hunts, so feel free to contact me! Please note that I will ONLY be part of kid-based hunts, and while I realize adults will often go on these hunts to collect the prizes, I will only offer children's products (save for eyes, if I choose to offer them).

I roleplay as a 2 year old child in SL (a business-minded toddler, but a toddler all the same), and though I am not 'strict' with my roleplay -- in other words, I do it just for fun and because...well, let's face it, child avis are adorable, hehe -- I ask that you respect my decision to stay in-character when and if the need to contact me via IM should arise. I will honor a request to lessen (or eliminate, if need be) the use of kidspeak while in IM or NC communication, but be prepared to 'translate' before such a request is made ^^


All items from Bella Kids are created with child avatars in mind, therefore I personally guarantee that nothing inappropriate or rated 'mature' will ever be found in my catalog. All of my textures are hand-made by me in either Photoshop or JASC Paint Shop Pro.





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