![[TR] [TR]](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/36417928/regular/marketplace-icon-45x45.jpg?1738494314)
- プロフィール
I manage multiple stores within Second Life. To keep track of active ones, please check my Linktree: https://linktr.ee/toxxicrhiannyr
I offer custom orders for branding kits, mesh event booths, and mesh signs. Visit my website at http://www.toxxicrhiannyr.com for more details.
Carefully read the descriptions to understand the listing details, as some items are textures designed for HUDs or advertising.
All posted terms of use are applicable without exceptions. Please respect the effort and time invested in designing each listing.
Regarding Third-Party Assets:
I am a premium subscriber to Envato Elements, Freepik, and Shutterstock. I also acquire licensed materials through Creative Market, Etsy, and Deviantart for commercial projects. I ensure legitimate and royalty-free commercial licenses for these materials.Review my full terms of service at https://toxxicrhiannyr.com/policy/tos.
Terms and conditions apply even if not read; they are public for customer and self-protection.
[TR] is my parent company with various brands, listed as [TR] on the marketplace for a neat aesthetic. This shop includes products from Vendetta (Event Booths), [TR] (Full Permission Templates), and GlowBaby (Neon Animated Decor/Signs).
I also own Pretty Savage (Female Shapes), AlterEgo (Female Clothing), Enertia (Full Permission Textures), Cannabliss (Cannabis content), TR Events (Monthly Region Hunts), and [TR] Custom Services.
For issues with any brands, contact Toxxic Rhiannyr inworld. Business inquiries or legal matters can be directed to contacttoxxic@gmail.com.
Thank you!
- ポリシー
[+] No refunds or exchanges
[+] Gen 1 booths :
2018-2020 models
[+] Gen 2 booths :
2019 - 2021 models
[+] Gen 3 booths :
2023-current models