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[FYI] HD Mesh Terrain Surround S1

[FYI] HD Mesh Terrain Surround S1

The famous mesh terrain kits from [FYI] have gotten even better! These kits are far more detailed than the classic kit. Giving you more detailed terrain than the simulator can offer.

You can order them a la carte specifically to what types of mesh terrain pieces you need.

These kits have been used for all sorts of amazing things in the past, from canyons, snow, meadows, beaches, lakes, hills, mountains, and more. Builders have done some great things with the old kits and I'm looking forward to what builders can do with this new builder's kit.

This HD Mesh Terrain Builder's kit comes with physics, so you can use these in the sky or where ever you like and you can walk on them.

This kit is designed to surround sims, terrain in the sky, parcels, and more! You can also use them as cliffs, but it differs from the cliff kit. It has a back that you can't see through for privacy.


TAO-HD is a web based application for generating ambient occlusion, often called shadowmaps. You simply go to the web page at http://fleayatsenko.com/tools/tao-hd/ and upload the texture. TAO-HD will then automatically apply that texture to every ambient occlusion piece in that kit! No more messing around in photo editors! Simply select your texture, select the product, and then get a zip file to download with ambient occlusion and shadowmaps applied to the texture you uploaded! Access to TAO-HD is included in the price of this kit, so you can apply ambient occlusion and shadowmaps to your HD mesh terrain without spending anything extra other than upload fees.

This product is compatible with the [FYI] Cave System!

You can use this product with other mesh and sculpty [FYi] Cave System products to create your own, custom and unique super awesome cave system! Build your own custom mesh caves with baked textures!

You can find other compatible [FYI] Cave System products by searching for #fyicavesystem
All of the [FYI] products are all original content. They are not stolen from games or other sources illegally. Meaning that you're buying legitimate, legal goods. Stolen content can be deleted from your inventory at any time and you won't get a refund. When you buy custom, original content, that simply doesn't happen and your purchase is safe for as long as you keep your account!

Please be careful of stolen and illegal mesh products. I've worked hard on these products to make sure that [FYI] can provide a unique product that isn't offered by anyone else. Buy it for the rest of your Second Life, make sure it's original content. All [FYI] products are original mesh with high quality baked textures!

The pieces generally cost 1 land impact per square meter. So a 15m x 15m piece is around 15 to 18 land impact and at 35m x 35m they are around 35 to 40 land impact. HD Mesh Terrain Kits are designed for those who are willing to sacrifice land impact for smoother terrain. If you require something lower land impact, please look at the classic kit.


Please make sure you read and agree to the license before purchasing this product. If you don't need a full permissions version, please see the copy/mod version

See item in Second Life
  • Surround your sim, parcel, or sky ground
  • Physics Included No need for physics prims, just rez and resize
  • Create realistic land at any elevation, no more depending on simulator ground
  • #fyicavesystem