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[1A] - Cyberpunk Jam Box Stereo

[1A] - Cyberpunk Jam Box Stereo

Plays all 1st Act SYMPHONIA audio cartridges.

Animated Visualizer

Collect music and play them across any of your 1st Act brand sound systems. Amass a collection of music instead of having to get different songs with each stereo.

Includes the free ambient track Damp Sorrow by Shakeno Tomsen.

Use the included Dev Kit to import your favorite tunes into Second Life. Or compose your own music and have it sold at 1st Act! Follow the easy instructions and get your own music set up with no hassle at all.

Working clock tells SL Time!

Can be linked to other objects as long as the Stereo system remains the ROOT prim.

Important Information for Mesh Products:

A scripted object may show up as No Modify in inventory even though the object is modifiable when rezzed.

Changing the size of a mesh object will (sometimes drastically) increase it’s Land Impact. Be careful when trying to drastically resize a mesh product.

Changing a mesh object's physics shape may also modify it’s land impact. Because of this, it is advised not to modify the Physics Shape on our products. We have optimized them for the best Land Impact possible.

  • Plays all 1st Act SYMPHONIA audio cartridges
  • Animated Visualizer
  • Collect music and play them across any of your 1st Act brand sound systems.
  • Includes the free ambient track Damp Sorrow by Shakeno Tomsen.
  • Use the included Dev Kit to import your favorite tunes into Second Life.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great idea! Looks awesome and works well!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 08, 2019 by Jenn Seabrink

I really like the idea of this!

I wish I'd had a Jam Box back when I lived in a rental. The landowner had tuned his media stream to this really bombastic metal station, which did not match the vibe of my rental cottage at all. Back then I'd actually LOOKED for a standalone media player that could play tunes locally, but I never found one -- which is a shame, because a Jam Box would've done really nicely!

Now I have a cyberpunk apartment on a little mainland parcel that I own. I've built an entire cityscape right outside my window (so that I'll have interesting stuff to look out at), and I've taken serious pains to fill my little parcel with lots of SOUND. A hissing sewer grate, electronic hums, a periodic police siren, rainfall, distant chatter in a marketplace, strains of music from a nightclub, a crackling trashfire -- all the comforting sounds you'd expect to hear in a fully-realized dystopia! I'm proud of my soundscape, and I hate that my SomaFM music stream drowns out a lot of my hard work.

I put one of these in my apartment bedroom, and I love that you can hear music where you *would* hear music -- in the apartment and right outside the open bedroom window. It's copy/mod, so I can put another music player at the other end of my apartment (just like I would with a Sonos or Bose irl). And again, the music really seems to "carry" a "real-world" distance!

The included track, titled "Damp Sorrow," is exactly what it sounds like it should be: a moody, Vangelis-sounding background track for a rainy, melancholy cyber-burb. Like, I seriously can't get enough of this audio loop -- it's not boring, not irritating, and it gives my apartment a serious Blade Runner vibe.

I can't believe that the music player is only 1 LI, because it's a really detailed mesh with a beautifully animated screen. My favorite detail is the preloading sound: an audio cassette clacking in and rewinding. That's some good retrofuturism!

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