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4 Old Tree Bark Textures - Rey's Gray Bark 02

4 Old Tree Bark Textures - Rey's Gray Bark 02

Four different shades, 512x512 resolution.

Four generic old tree bark textures in shades ranging from medium gray to almost black.

Rey's textures are sold full perm but we trust our customer to respect out intellectual rights.

You have permission to:
+ Use the texture modified or unmodified in any way you like for your own items in Second Life.
+ Use the texture modified or unmodified in any way you like for items you sell or give away in Second Life.
+ For ground textures: Use the texure for any Second Life sim you own or create for others.

You do *not* have permission to:
- Give away or sell the texture on its own. This includes selling or giving away prims or simple meshes where the texture is the only significant feature.
- Use the texture in any way outside Second Life.

See item in Second Life