G General

4 mesh coffee cups in a row handle at an angle

4 mesh coffee cups in a row handle at an angle

This mesh build has multiple faces and standard sl textures can be used on them.

These mesh items are intended for your own builds both commercial and private..and are not to be given away or sold stand alone with full perm permissions. Full perm is copy+modify+transfer. You can sell or give them away if the permission is (copy+mod no transfer) or (copy + transfer no modify) or (transfer + modify no copy). One of the three choices at least must be turned off.

DISCLOSURE AND COPYRIGHT NOTE: Textures and scripts are not to be given or resold in an independent manner other than if they are applied to items you are making.

Kittycat Ninetails
Vasa Vella
JohnQ Ballyhoo

See item in Second Life
  • Full perm mesh
  • uses standard textures
  • multiple sides