.::4BIDDEN::. Jock Cup Mask
.::4BIDDEN::. Jock Cup Mask
⚫ 100% original mesh created by Thomas Salvatore
⚫ All photos are done on ULTRA graphic presets as a lot of my items are material enabled.
⚫ If item doesn't look as it does in the photo, set your graphics to ULTRA; check your surrounding lights and windlight.
⚫ PLEASE ALWAYS TRY DEMO FIRST IF YOU ARE UNSURE - a demo will usually come in plain mesh with demo texture.
⚫ Refund Policy; sales are final, a refund will only apply to those that double purchase an item sent to same account.
⚫ Unpacking; some items may not want to unpack from hud- rez out and unpack the item manually if you have an issue.
⚫ Redelivery; items purchased on marketplace can be redelivered to you from your transaction page.
Being irritated
Was buying the Mask today, but when i unpacked it, the folder was beside a Landmark empty. So i rezzed the box to open and copy the stuffs to my inventory...And surprise, there was just the Hud inside, no Jock Cup Mask at all. Oh and while i was wearing the box to unpack it...i got a pop up with a script error message. Saying they cant send attached objects to my folder. I just hope the creator reads this message, fix the problem and send me a the stuff I was paying money for.
L$ 250
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed