G Général

8 kids wallpapers outer space pack

8 kids wallpapers outer space pack

Great textures for any kids or tiny room

Cupids Texture End User Agreement License.

By purchasing textures from Cupids
you are agreeing to abide by the usage outlined in our Copyright Policy/TOS

Textures from Cupids may not be resold, or retouched/manipulated
and resold under any circumstance. Likewise, Cupids textures may
not be given away free on their own or as part of any package in
or outside of Second Life.

You may use these textures on all your personal projects. Builders, clothes,
and furniture designers are free to use textures they purchase in the
construction of their products which they can than sell.

However, hand made textures may not be resold or given away
to other parties on their own, or as part of another transaction.
If you give/sell an object my texture should not be accessible off
that object to the buyer. The buyer should not be allowed to take my
texture from your item into their own inventory or save it to their hard drive.