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[A] Wizard Belt (Red Leather)

[A] Wizard Belt (Red Leather)

Belt made by Artemis Creations:
Resize Script included
Great for role playing, the belt contains:
+Potion bottles
+Pentagram charm
+ A tiny spell book
+ Hourglass
+ Pixie Dust pouch
+ and more
Please check out the silver version of this pack in my store

::::*******:::Artemis Creation Mainstore:::*******:::
Welcome to our shop ,

We are selling:

Full perms textures

Commercial and Residential Structures

Fashion Jeweleries

Avatar Shapes

We guarantee our products to be at an affordable price and Perfect quality.

I also offer Custom made prefabs. If you need houses or shops made, please contact us:

[A] Owner: Artemis Lavender
[A] Manager: Jasper Hema, yuna hanly

*Our shop is run by Vietnamese. We're Viets and proud to be one :)

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See item in Second Life
  • Size change script